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Our annual programs

IKS Colloquium Series

Every semester, IKS invites prominent scholars from around the world to present on topics related to Korea.

Film Series

This is a yearly event held by IKS that showcases Korean movies of a certain genre or filmmaker. Previous film series events have included movies focusing on South Korean millennials, issues surrounding them, and the films of feminist filmmaker Byun Young-joo. IKS also supports the screening of these films at our partner institutions.

International Conference

IKS has received funding from the Dr. Lee Se Ung Distinguished Lecture Series on Korean Global Affairs to host an annual conference focusing on Korean issues. We feature distinguished scholars and diplomats from around the world. Our first conference focused on Korean Democracy/Democratization.

Korean Night

IKS collaborates with the East Asian Studies Center to host an academic presentation during the Center’s Korean Night event every spring semester.